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My Adventures

I'm creating this page mainly for the purpose of sharing my travel photos with my friends and family.
Please click on the links below to see photos from recent vacations and events.

NOTE: I was forced to remove some content from this website. If you are looking for something that used to be here and can't find it, please contact me directly.

Roadtrip to Georgia (September 2001)

The World Trade Center a/k/a Ground Zero

2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah
(coming soon-ish)

Fire in My Neighborhood Destroys a Pet Store - July 29, 2002

Puerto Rico (February 2004)

South Carolina (April 2004)

North Carolina (May 2004)

Central Park on Tracy's 21st Birthday (June 2004)

Me playing the organ in Radio City Music Hall (June 2004)

Kykuit with Mom (June 2004)

A Day with the Millers in Lower Manhattan (June 2004)

Vermont (July 2004)

Curacao (August 2004)

Eckhaus-Grauman Family Cruise (November-December 2004)

Dominican Republic (February 2005)

Paris (April 2005)
(coming soon)

San Diego with the Conants (June 2005)

Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands (August 2005)

Roosevelt Island with Mom (September 2005)

California and Knikki's wedding (September 2005)

The Chapman Farm and Harper's Ferry (November 2005)
(coming soon)

Los Cabos, Mexico (February 2006)
(coming soon)

China (April 2006)
(coming soon)

Chincoteague/Assateague Islands, Virginia (May 2006)
(coming soon)

Jackson Hole (July 2006)
(coming soon)

Alaska (August-September 2006)
(coming soon)

Radio City Music Hall (November-December 2006)
(coming soon)

Chicago, Illinois (March 2007)
(coming soon)

Cozumel, Mexico (April 2007)
(coming soon)

Photos on display in digital frame at our wedding (September 1, 2007)
(coming soon)

Our Wedding (September 1, 2007) - NEW!
(well, a few anyway)

Tahiti (September-October 2007) - NEW!


Fun Stuff

Ronnie's Quote Board

Ronnie's Favorite Recipes