Ronnie's Quote Board

What's a guy without socks.
  --Todd S. -August 15, 2002

Yeah, I'm a thinker. I think like that.
  --Maria S. -September 1, 2002

If it hadn't been obvious it would have been very unclear.
  --Me -September 7, 2002

They messed everything up.
  --Brenda J. -September 9, 2002

I'm not having any foggy ideas.
  --Me -September 14, 2002

Now lemme think without talking.
  --Zack J. -September 19, 2002

Conversation at Kara Lyn's:
  --Kara Lyn: I can't even pay attention to myself.
  --Ronnie: How do you think we feel?
  --Shaun (to Kara Lyn): She's trying to tell a story and you're trying to unzip my trousers.
        -October 16, 2002

Forget my name once and you'll remember it forever.
  --Veronica d.C. -November 20, 2002

Hanukkah geld goes with anything - it's like a basic black dress.
  --Uncle Danny's friend, Dottie -November 29, 2002

I just figured out a couple of years ago that Santa Claus was daddy.
  --Me -December 9, 2002

Mere hours after Warren and Chrysula Winegar's talk on unity, Scott B. had this bit of wisdom to offer:
Stereotypes do come in handy when you don't have time to get to know the person.
  --Scott B. -December 29, 2002

Ronnie: I can't cook - that's why I'm not married.
Pres. Belnap: Oh, no - there are lots of other reasons.
        -February 23, 2003

I haven't seen it yet, but it's good.
  --Tracy G. -March 29, 2003

Talking about Chinese water torture:
  --Kim: Who would think of something like that?
  --Alena: Apparently, the Chinese.
        -April 5, 2003

Veronica: I could never marry a frog prince.
Kim: You couldn't kiss him on his froggy lips?
Veronica: Over my dead and beautiful body.
        -April 22, 2003

Let's just talk really quickly about the history of the world.
  --Trevor P. -June 15, 2003

I'm not too sexy, I'm just right sexy.
  --Scott B. -June 17, 2003

You're a freaking genius, you moron!
  --Jack D. -June 19, 2003

I'm not having fun, I'm having stress.
  --Rachel H. (age 5) -August 2, 2003

I wouldn't get pregnant just for a smoothie machine.
  --Amber S. -August 2, 2003

One of my fantasies is to make love with rubber gloves on.
  --Adam R. -August 24, 2003

You have to do sexual harassment.
  --Jack D. -September 30, 2003

Albino chickens - not the norm, but they do exist.
  --Keith D. -December 18, 2003

And they like me - because I'm a friendly guy.
  --Bill A. -January 25, 2004

Nude is always best.
  --Kim H. -February 28, 2004

Talking about a SCUBA regulator:
Once you get used to it, it's much easier to breathe with it than it is to breathe underwater without it.
  --Me -June 1, 2004

You crack me away.
  --Amneris P. -June 3, 2004

The four extra voices will make us bloom into something . . . bloomy.
  --David S. -June 5, 2004

How can I be anything but okay?
  --Bill A. -August 8, 2004

I love it when things taste the way they smell. It's not like that with shampoo.
  --Me -October 31, 2004 (very early in the early morning)

My pants are going to pee.
  --Veronica d.C. -December 10, 2004

I've got chicken stuck in my foot.
  --Maria S. -February 27, 2005

Kissing, sex, same thing.
  --Bill A. -June 19, 2005

I cannot date a guy who knows more about my vagina than I do.
  --Veronica d.C. -August 3, 2005

I don't hate anybody but sometimes I'm a little disappointed.
  --Bill A. -October 1, 2005

I hate Dominicans and I hate Jews. I'm turning into Archie Bunker.
  --Archie Bunker -October 31, 2005

Did you just check my blank?
  --Melissa V. -January 30, 2006

If I were blind, I'd probably be able to read it.
  --Me -March 15, 2006

Ronnie: I'm an old fart.
Kim: Go in the other room.
        -June 3, 2006

Adam: It can't be a half-assed Messiah.
Ronnie: Yeah. It's a whole ass or nothing.
        -October 9, 2006

On why brass instruments are transposed:
In those days before they had valves, and fingers...
  --Alena H. -October 9, 2006

It's the same arrangement but with different words and different music.
  --John T. -October 11, 2006

You're like a good book I can't put down.
  --Rich B. -November 16, 2006

He was playing silent movies when they were silent.
  --Robert M. -December 13, 2006

I wonder if wool is white when it gets made or if sheep actually have phone numbers.
  --Rich B. -February 21, 2007

Ronnie: What are you wearing on your feet? Different socks?
Rich: No, I got out another pair.
        -April 15, 2007

Rich: This is the city that never sleeps.
Ronnie: Except for that it really does.
        -May 15, 2007

Veronica: You're so photogenic.
Kim: You can't even see my face.
Veronica: That's why.
        -October 28, 2007

I wish I had enough fingers.
  --Robert M. -November 16, 2007

Very good. Well done. Yes.
  --Maria S. -January 16, 2008

It's a good thing I'm not wearing pants.
  --Alena H. -February, 17 2008

I know. I mean, I don't know.
  --Me -July 22, 2008

It's not worth being in the dirt pile.
  --Rich -August 2, 2009

After his grandma got up from having fallen in the snow:
Your butt mark is big!
  --Isaac C. -January 1, 2010

It's not that I was having a bad day. It was just a bad fold.
  --Diane A. -January 1, 2010

Where have I been? On the wrong side of an inverse fold.
  --Diane A. -January 1, 2010

I may be an idiot, but I'm a real idiot.
  --Rich B. -February 19, 2010

Ronnie: I'm trying to turn over a new leaf, dear.
Rich: Leaf? You're going to have to turn over an entire forest.
        -July 11, 2010

He's Greek. Everything is on a leaf.
  --Rich B. -December 31, 2010

Jews are the cockroaches of humanity. They refuse to go away.
  --Rich B. -January 3, 2011

On being Jewish:
I suppose it's no worse than being short.
  --Mrs. Oleson -May 12, 1980

I shake everything.
  --Robert M. -May 17, 2011

On the meaning of "eau de toilette":
Ronnie: It's water for your personal toilet.
Rich: If that means your butthole then I've been putting it in the wrong spot.
        -September 3, 2011

You're gonna squish our child for two pieces of turd?
  --Rich B. -October 22, 2011

Rich: Almost everything she does reminds me of you.
Ronnie: Like what?
Rich: Her farts.
        -December 20, 2011

I needed to hang up my pants and your boobs were in my way.
  --Rich B. -January 2, 2012

It didn't have that many suction cups so it was a little easier to eat.
  --Lisa B. -January 16, 2012

I'm going to kill so many cats.
  --Lisa B., future vet tech -July 8, 2012

On Lisa B.:
When I first look at her I think she's like 42 or 43. Then I get to know her and I think she's ten.
  --Haylee N. -September 12, 2012

My grandmother was a bunch of crabgrass but at least she drank.
  --Rich B. -December 5, 2012

That lemonade is like crack.
  --Lisa B. -December 28, 2012

Never underestimate the power of a fairy.
  --Robert M. -May 30, 2013

I'm not efficient. I'm just driven.
  --Robert M. -May 30, 2013

After passing two Hooters in five minutes:
I didn't know there were two that close together.
  --Rich B. -September 12, 2012

Ronnie: What's so funny?
Sophia (age 22 months): Dada.
        -October 4, 2013

Rich: Did you know that you're cute?
Sophia (age 25 months): Yeah, I did.
        -December 25, 2013

Ronnie (after a trans-vaginal ultrasound): Did you see the babies?
Sophia (age 34 months): Yeah. They're nice and safe in your butt.
        -September 16, 2014

Rich: Do you want to be a firefighter when you grow up?
Sophia (age almost 3): No.
Ronnie: What do you want to be?
Sophia: I just want to be a pumpkin.
        -November 4, 2014

Rich: Come on, let's change you.
Sophia (age 3): No, I just want to fart in my pants.
        -November 22, 2014

Ronnie: How much is 1 + 3?
Sophia (age 3): A lot
        -November 26, 2014

My poop went plop.
  --Sophia (age 3) -December 6, 2014

Ronnie: It's your yellow golf ball.
Sophia (age 3): It's a little squishy.
Ronnie: Lisa is a little squishy.
Sophia: No, she's not. She's my aunt.
Ronnie: She's your yellow aunt.
Sophia: No, she's not. She's a different white.
        -March 25, 2015

Your mama's not black, Burke. You're black. She's brown.
  --Sophia (age 3) -April 25, 2015

Ronnie, getting into car: Oof.
Sophia (age 3): Why did you say "Oof"?
Ronnie: Because I'm old and tired.
Sophia: Daddy's old and tired!
        -June 2, 2015

Taking off her stethoscope:
I gotta take this thing off. I'm not really a doctor - I'm a human.
  --Sophia (age 3) -October 23, 2015

About her princess cape:
I don't want to wear it. It's too fabulous.
  --Sophia (age 3) -November 8, 2015

There's only one rule about kids: Being silly.
  --Sophia (age 4) -November 26, 2015

Sophia (age 4): Mom!
Ronnie: Hm?
Sophia: I love you.
Ronnie: I love you, too. Did you know that?
Sophia: Yup.
Ronnie: How did you know I love you?
Sophia: Cuz I'm in your heart. And you're in my heart, too.
        -June 1, 2016

Like when Scrat tried to pull his acorn out of the ice. Get it? "Ice Age" instead of "Dice Age".
  --Sophia (age 4) -June 2, 2016

Rock, paper, scissors, shoe!
  --Sophia (age 4) -July 1, 2016

You know how sometimes bubbles blow out the top of the dish soap bottle when you grasp it to pick it up? Sophia loves when that happens, but I haven't mastered the art of doing it on command. It happened today while she was eating dinner and I (obviously) was doing dishes. She was all excited to see so many cute little bubbles floating through the air in the kitchen. She still seemed to think I do it on purpose and am holding out on her, so I assured her it was only an accident.
It wasn't an accident - it was a surprise!
  --Sophia (age 4) -July 1, 2016

Sophia (age 4): Why is it called "Pennsylvania"?
Ronnie: Because it's named after a man named William Penn.
Sophia: But it's "Pencil-vania". Like a pencil.
Ronnie (willing to admit that was clever without even trying and too tired to explain any further): Then maybe his name was William Pencil.
        -July 4, 2016

Referring to my sore nipple:
Daddy's a BMT. He can look at it.
  --Sophia (age 4) -July 20, 2016

Sophia (age 4): My poop makes burps.
Ronnie: I don't think your poop makes burps.
Sophia (with attitude): Yeah, it pretty much does. I'm kind of a weird strange kid.
        -August 27, 2016

Hey, I know it's a piece of crap, but it still runs.
  --Guy on Arthur Ave who accused me of smashing into his car after I tapped his bumper while parking -September 4, 2016

Telling me about the superhero movie they saw at school today:
It wasn't about Ninja Turtles because they weren't ninjas and they weren't turtles.
  --Sophia (age 4) -September 15, 2016

On why she's been picking Spanish up so quickly:
I already knew some Spanish words when I was a baby. I sneaked them out of your brain. Hee-hee.
  --Sophia (age 4) -November 14, 2016

To Ronnie after having a handful of chocolate chips and changing Zoe's diaper:
You still smell like chocolate chips and poop.
  --Sophia (age 5) -November 26, 2016

Admiring the pretty endpaper in a new book Aunt Alyssa gave Zoe, "Penguin's Christmas Wish"...
Ronnie: That's called the "endpaper".
Sophia (age 5) [genuinely confused]: Well, it's at the beginning, too?
        -December 10, 2016

Tries to get a pencil out of her pencil case and everything kind of explodes out:
That went well.
[Fb version: Tonight everything kinda exploded out of Sophia's pencil case as she was trying to pull out a pencil, and she comes out with, "That went well." I think that may very well have been her first sarcastic remark. Proud mommy moment!]
  --Sophia (age 5) -December 12, 2016

At least it's nice for someone that's interested in me to tell me they're bipolar from the beginning
  --Keith D.-April 15, 2018

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