The World Trade Center
This is a view of the edge of Building from Broadway, looking West.  You can see the steel beams just peeled down the side of the building like a banana.  In the background you can see what used to be the beautiful glass atrium of the World Financial Center which is located on a marina just across the highway from the World Trade Center, connected by a breezeway. One isn't supposed to be able to see the WFC atrium from Broadway - Tower 1 is supposed to be blocking it from view.
Walking north on Broadway, one sees throngs of people coming to mourn, to gawk, to offer thanks, etc.  Volunteers hold out cups of markers for people to borrow in order to leave messages on one of the many scrolls of paper tacked up on the gates blocking entrance to the site.  Passers-by grasp the arms of each police officer standing guard to express their gratitude - too choked up with tears to speak. St. Paul's is still being used as a triage station and a rest area for workers and volunteers.
A cluster of candles sitting below a patriotic scarf hung on the fence near St. Paul's on the sidewalk of Broadway.
These two pictures of Building 6 (U.S. Customhouse and home of the ATF NY Field Division) were taken facing south on Greenwich Street.  From this angle, the building appears to be cut right in half.  There is no glass remaining in the window frames, and the inside is completely burned.  The 8-story building is only 6 stories tall on the right side. Looming behind it are the remains of the wall of Tower 1 which used to be next door. Building 5, to the left, is also sliced in half.  One shouldn't be able to see Building 6 from here - at almost 50 stories, Building 7 should be blocking the view.
These last 4 pictures were taken from the top of the Federal Reserve Building at 33 Maiden Lane, looking down on Ground Zero.  In the first one you can see the 4-story hole in the ground where the steamshovels are at work - about 14 of them.  You can also see the gathering throng of firefighters who are just about to start their protest.  In the next picture on the right you can see the 40-story cranes - as tall as the building I'm in.  In the bottom left picture is Building 6 again where we now see that not only is it cut in half, but a huge chunk of it is completely missing - where my cubicle used to be.  In the last picture, from a slightly different angle, you can see the remains of Tower 1 again, leaning on Building 6.