Apple Pie

(My Aunt Lotte's Austrian recipe)



2 cups flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/3 cup sugar

1 stick (1/2 cup) margarine

1 egg

3 tbsp. water

8 small Macintosh apples (1-1/2 lbs.)

1 whole graham crackers

3+ tbsp. sugar





Sift flour and baking powder

Add sugar

Squish in (with your hands) margarine, egg and water.

This makes enough dough for 2 pies. Half can be wrapped in wax paper and a sandwich baggie and stored in the freezer for later use.



Peel and cut apples.

Butter pie dish.

Roll half of dough with flour on rolling board.

Use "bigger 1/2" for bottom of pie.

Cut off dough dripping over edge of dish.

Crumble graham cracker on bottom.

Put in 1/2 of apples.

Sprinkle not quite 2 tbsp. sugar and some cinnamon.

Put in the rest of the apples.

Fold edges of bottom dough in over the edge of the apples and spread top dough over.

Poke holes in dough with fork.

Spread with butter and sprinkle with a rounded tsp. of sugar and some cinnamon.

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.