Holiday Letter #6


Because most of you now follow us on Facebook, we have decided to discontinue posting our "traditional" holiday letters here.


To see pictures of Sophia from the last year, please use the following links:

Sophia Rose Bishop: 0-3 months
Sophia Rose Bishop: 0-3 months

Sophia Rose Bishop: 3-6 months
Sophia Rose Bishop: 3-6 months

Sophia Rose Bishop: 6-9 months
Sophia Rose Bishop: 6-9 months

Sophia Rose Bishop: 9-12 months
Sophia Rose Bishop: 9-12 months

Sophia Rose Bishop: 1 year
Sophia Rose Bishop: 1 year


To see pictures of Ronnie's adventures in cooking, click HERE.


To see pictures of our no-longer-a-puppy Bogart, click HERE.


To see pictures of the kitten named Mei-Mei that lives in our backyard, click HERE.


To see pictures of our trip to Washington, DC in June, click HERE.


To see pictures of other stuff we've been up to, click HERE.


Have a great year!


Ronnie, Rich, Sophia, Lady, Gibbs & Bogart

(We miss you Sadie and love you forever!)

Holiday card - blue

Holiday card - red

Click here for last year's holiday letter (2011)

Click here for Ronnie's home page